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Here I am!

I'm not usually much of one for New Year resolutions but this year I did make one, and that was to get a website up and running for my fused glass. And here it is. Welcome.

Over the past 15 months, since I bought my own kiln, I've loved getting creative with glass. Through lockdown this has been particularly true and I've looked forward to the hours I set aside at the weekend to develop new projects.

While it took me a good month to even have the courage to turn the kiln on, I now have a growing pile of things I've made, and can see my own progress, and shelves creaking with glass sheets, frit and tools to work with. I didn't set out to sell glass but so many people have asked about buying something they've seen on Facebook or Instagram and my growing number of bowls reminds me that maybe there will be an upside from findings an outlet to pass these colourful creations on.

The website isn't set up for sales just now so just make contact if there's something you'd like to buy for yourself or as a gift.

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